ABSINFO.ZIP 385,411 11-03-94 AMERICAN BANKING SYSTEMS INFORMATION -11/03/94. This file contains five PCX formatimage files that describe How to Start ABS'sServices. American Banking Systems offers theability to take checks or savings drafts
ABSODD.ZIP 20,028 11-21-94 ABS S/W Take Checks Online!!
MR_CID.ZIP 6,802 09-28-94 Realtime CALLER-ID Polling System
MS1.ZIP 6,676 11-01-94 List of users upper and lower case
MSGWAIT.ZIP 10,193 10-26-94 Reads waiting messages for any user
NO2TBBS.ZIP 37,906 10-21-94 Convert Night Owl directories to TBBS format
OEB.TXT 1,028 12-16-94 Online Electronic Banking from GW Associates
PASSBAGD.ZIP 49,699 10-09-94 PASSBAG passthru newsgrps in .BAG fls
PASSPKTD.ZIP 31,943 10-22-94 Pass desired fido echos in .PKT files
PCM9411.ZIP 364,880 10-27-94 PCM ONLINE! A digital magazine in 8 parts foryour BBS. Includes news, commercial &shareware reviews, hints and tips, basic andbatch file code and LOTS MORE. A tremendousamount of content for your users provided
PCM9411R.ZIP 406,963 10-27-94 PCM ONLINE! A digital magazine in 8 parts foryour BBS. Includes news, commercial &shareware reviews, hints and tips, basic andbatch file code and LOTS MORE. A tremendousamount of content for your users provided
PISORAMA.ZIP 46,869 11-28-94 Old WWIV favorite now for TBBS/TDBS
PMAN3_0.ZIP 89,655 09-26-94 User Registry/Profiler w/RIP/UCHAT
PPONG.ZIP 20,238 10-21-94 Arcade Game like the Original PONG
PROVIDER.ZIP 9,457 10-28-94 How to pick an Internet Provider (complete)
QWKESOFT.ZIP 3,361 01-29-95 Aspect file for PCPLUS 4 Win (was) to get QSO
RAZMATAZ.ZIP 24,495 12-19-94 Raz-Ma-Taz! A Great TDBS Card Game!
READMEM.EXE 14,926 10-08-94 dBase/TDBS mem file reader-ASCII output
RIPLIB.ZIP 9,978 11-27-94 RIP 1.54 TDBS Library for ASRLINK
RIPOMFIX.ZIP 8,240 10-10-94 RIPOMFIX - Fixes eSoft's RIPOM.EXE optionmodule so that all 9 languages can be usedwith the on-the-fly language change feature.
SCRINVDR.ZIP 23,317 10-18-94 Arcade Game like Space Invaders
SHOWTIME.ZIP 12,876 10-30-94 TDBS text file display program v1.2
SPT.ZIP 8,767 11-04-94 LANDMARK type perf test in realtime
STAXDEMO.EXE 60,317 12-16-94 Challenge Your Users With This Tetris Clone!
SYSMON62.ZIP 140,080 11-06-94 SYSMON is the first online realtime remoteTBBS 2.2m system console
TB2DBDEM.ZIP 19,928 10-31-94 BETA of Userlog to DBF Exporter
TSC.ZIP 32,115 11-04-94 The Serial Connection is a Modem to Modemconnection interface that allows users tosolicate other users on a TBBS system for anytype of Modem to Modem connection process.
TSDEMO.ZIP 132,412 10-08-94 TSHELL 1.0 Shell to Environment for TBBS VeryNice
VSYSINFO.ZIP 37,718 11-15-94 Information Packet+Order Form for VSysop2!
WHOSON.ZIP 16,406 11-04-94 TBBS: A Free Enhancement to ASR's SYSMONprogram, this will allow a more robust whosonline display than the native TBBS whosonline display.
WLORD104.ZIP 424,600 12-09-94 WARLORDS Ver 1.04 - TBBS/TDBS multi-player,graphical, action combat/adventure game.Requires: TBBS 2.2 & TDBS 1.2 or higher.
WW3DEMO.EXE 69,547 10-08-94 World War III, will your users win or lose?
YOURMAG2.ZIP 156,077 11-04-94 YOUR OWN BBS MAGAZINE v2.0 A unique BBSmarketing tool and INCOME generator for yourBBS. Your very own Customized BBS NEWSElectronic magazine, with your name, yourbbs, your city's news, etc. A complete